Sunday, August 30, 2009

An opportunity to change your life...

Some people just don't understand what they're up to. Some of them don't know what exactly they're doing, whether it is good or not, for the sake of themselves. Some of them also still could not find the opportunity to change their life entirely, until someone meet them and told them about that.

Let's say, there's a man with a salary earned MYR3000 per month, and he has a wife and 3 kids. The house installment maybe around MYR1000 a month, MYR500 to the car, MYR300 to the lovely wife and MYR200 each spend to his 3 kids. That's not include the others like the phone bill, electric bill, petrol, etc... Clearly, the current living cost made us to control the money earned carefully. The point is, until when this scenario could happen? The example stated there does not also include the savings in case of emergency. Clearly, this "makan gaji" scenario does not enough for us to face up the increasingly living cost.

Now let's talk about our dreams. Have you ever been asked (in the kinder garden) about your dream and what you wanna be? Believe me, you gonna answered, "ooh, I wanna a big car, a big house, plenty of $$, and also, I wanna be a doctor." But, have you realized, when you grew up, and started to work, the opportunity of the dream that you’ve been stated before become lesser and lesser? Your dream car would be a Mercedes, but soon it’ll gonna be a Perdana; you’re planning to live in a bungalow, but you’ll end up with a terrace, and so on..

Whether we realized or not, the environment araound us effected our dreams. That is why, you must find another way to make things happen, find an opportunity to change your life. It is not that difficult though, use all the things around you to help you to find it. Nowadays, we got the Internet, so use them well. When your dreams got destroyed, you’ll feel down. What you gonna do is to rebuild that dreams, and find the way to achieve it.

The reason I’m writing this blog is to give the opportunity to you, to change your life. Why? Because of the condition of the living cost, economy, etc… This is the reality dude, you cannot hang up the the salary earned entirely. The best way to make your life become more comfortable is to make a business. Thank God, He giving me this ooportunity, to change my life, and also, my generation.

“Sharing is caring…”

Muhammad Syahrin

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The E-Commerce Business

"a good human being is, someone that could give interest to the others..."

With just clicking here n there, adding people in Facebook, Myspace, Tagged and Hi-5, and also chatting with friends, we can made a side income easily. I've done it with help from a friend whom also my ex-classmate when we were in secondary school which was 6 years ago. This is the best e-commerce business that I've ever made in my life. Join us to make your dreams come true..!!

Why did I said that this business is the best? Firstly, you don't have to maintain your points or BV or PV or what so ever. What you have to do is to find people whom finding their opportunity which can change their life entirely. Secondly, this business can be heired by your sons and daughters, then to your grandchildren and so on. So you don't have to worry about your family's future when you're gone. It's already there, created by you to them...

What kind of people that can join our business group? If you some type of people who can be teaches and some kind of people who will sacrifice your time for this kind of thing that can change your life, congratulations, you're the one we've been looking for..

Some kind of people only know what they know. But unfortunately, there's something that they DON'T know what they DON'T know. My point is, this kind of people need to be explained about what they don't know that supposed to be known. (Confusing eh?)

Change the way you think and it will change your life. Give an opportunity to yourself to changed. Don't be such of person that afraid to lose before not already in the battlefield. Don't be such a person whom afraid to fail. And don't ever blame the fate that you're lose. Throw it all away and think positively. Always think that you wanna do this because of you wanna change your life and also your future which are not only for yourself, but to the whole family entirely. Make your family proud of what you're doing.

Come and join us in this business. Believe me, although you spent even MYR3500 for this business, its worth it, even more..! The risk is too low. If you don't have some cash to invest, we will think about the solution for that. So you have nothing to worried about.

Contact me on the number stated below. I'm waiting for you. Waiting for someone who wanted to change his life...

Muhammad Syahrin
*you can find me on Myspace, Tagged, Friendster and Facebook via e-mail stated.

"learnt from the wealthy, you'll become wealthier..."